+39 02 7642141


:: Lunedì 15 luglio 2024 ::
Registrazione corrispettivi associazioni senza scopo di lucro in regime agevolato.
IVA - Fatturazione differita mese precedente.

:: Martedì 16 luglio 2024 ::
Versamento ritenute dei condomini in qualità di sostituti d'imposta.
Versamento dell'imposta sugli intrattenimenti relativi alle attività svolte con carattere di continuità nel mese precedente.

:: Lunedì 22 luglio 2024 ::
FASC, FONDO AGENTI SPEDIZIONIERI E CORRIERI - Versamento contributi mensili.
Imprese elettriche: comunicazione dati canone TV.

:: Giovedì 25 luglio 2024 ::
INTRASTAT - Presentazione elenchi INTRA mensili e trimestrali.

:: Mercoledì 25 luglio 2024 ::
ACCISE - Benefici gasolio autotrazione II trimestre 2024.
Presentazione all'INPS delle domande di CIGO per eventi oggettivamente non evitabili verificatisi nel mese precedente da parte delle Imprese industriali e dell' Edilizia.

Legal, accounting, tax and business consultancy

Founded in 2002, the firm carries out the activity of consultancy availing of its collaboration with expert professionals in the fields of law, accounting, taxes and business.

We handle the rolling scheduled fulfilment of obligations in the business sphere as well as in direct and indirect tax imposition sectors, aiding clients in their relationships with public entities, the financial administration and the fiscal dispute bodies.

The website was created to provide an awareness and information tool, helpful and user-friendly for our clients and all those who, over the web, are interested in the areas of taxes, administration and accounting. The documents and information on have been prepared with extreme care and are checked from time to time and updated constantly.

Ours services

Business Consultancy
  • Financial statements and reports;
  • Drawing up of opinions in the business area;
  • Contractual assistance.
Tax Consultancy
  • Preparation of statements;
  • Tax consultancy and assistance;
  • Legal aid before tax courts.
Accounting and Business Consultancy
  • Preparation of accounting papers;
  • Audits and financial statement analyses;
  • Financial analyses and accounting expert opinions;
  • Administration and company valuations;
  • Company restructuring;
  • Extraordinary business transactions.
Legal Consultancy
  • Assistance in bankruptcy proceedings;
  • Judicial and non-judicial arrangements with creditors;
  • Expert opinions.